I always like to be inspired by what the garden has to offer, even if it doesn’t seem like there's much around, but at the moment I love how the snowdrops are poking through the dead montbretia leaves...

I was clearing some things away this morning and my Granny’s old 1963 diary caught my eye...

I  am amazed ( and very happy! ) that for the first time EVER this year, I have managed to grow Sweet Peas with any degree of success.  I've been dying to have the delicate smell of my own, home grown ones around the house; it must...

I did a lot of driving over the weekend, and it was lovely to come back with some family roses...

There is no competition in Ikebana, no striving to better someone else. The object is simply to create something beautiful for the delight of others and in doing so inform ourself...