When I was growing up, my parents gave me two very different takes on the world; Dad was annoyingly straight forward and very logical and Mum was much more likely to go with the flow and get distracted...

This morning I was meant to be doing loads of stuff but when my friend asked if I’d go for an early walk, I just did ( although I’ve been catching up all afternoon as a consequence!! )...

I’m always determined to get the most use out of flowers even if they seem past it, so this morning I was utilising the severely wilted hydrangeas I bought last week, which I’d hoped would last much longer to put together some images for...

  Sometimes when people visit the  Open House they turn up with a present!! I sort of think it’s amazing that they have shown up at all, and so then to produce a gift completely takes me by surprise...

Over the last month or so I’ve been lucky enough to have some really lovely pieces in a couple of magazines as well as being responsible for and editing the Fiveways Artists magazine for the Artists Group I am involved with here in Brighton...