
Wednesday…( with a tip )

It may seem like I’m forever pulling flowers apart and carelessly chucking bits and bobs around the table, but I’m actually a complete re-user if there is anything to be saved or salvaged for another arrangement…

So I thought I share one of my favourite tips from the table…

When I’m clearing up, before the dustpan and brush comes out, I carefully sort through to find some keepsies… When I’ve cut off the heads of flowers, or even if they’ve wilted near the top and their heads are still blooming, I carefully place them in a tupperware tub… The berries and hips get sorted into a bowl… …or basket and then I spritz the flower heads with water, squeeze the lid on tightly and put them in the fridge…

Some of these ranunculus and paper whites were already a week old when I made this particular arrangement and they’re in the fridge as I write this waiting for another outing! ( that yellow rose bud in there is about 3 weeks old! )I bought a massive bunch of these flowers 3 weeks ago, and although I didn’t keep them in the fridge I did keep some ‘stock’ in the garden and the shed, where it kept them cold…so being placed against my painting ‘Warming Light’ seemed sort of appropriate today!

( P.S there’s a small Winter Sale of some of my paintings at the moment…this one included )