
Tuesday…with Insta presents!


Sometimes when people visit the  Open House they turn up with a present!!

I sort of think it’s amazing that they have shown up at all, and so then to produce a gift completely takes me by surprise…

So I just thought I’d share the generosity of some lovely people I’ve met via Instagram… and who seem to know exactly what I like…

Firstly, the image above contains some beautifully smelling Sweet Peas which were brought round by Jess ( that’s @miss_jess on Instagram or @MissUnderground ) on Friday and which are still going strong, but there’s also that tin…

This was brought round by artist Willem ( @willemscrawler ) and I was so chuffed as I knew exactly where it was going to live in my shed installation the moment I saw it…

But there was even more joy when I opened it up, as Willem had filled it with all this!

How brilliant is that camel picture!

( I have to add at this point that Willem once before brought round a present which is now one of my treasured possessions… )

…and that photo in the background ( which is one of the very few I’ve ever been happy with! ) was taken by Chika @shewhoeats on a visit a couple of years ago…

So I had new things to add to the installation…

…and then Davorka ( aka @tilly2milly on Instagram ) brought me one of her girls…and she was a gardening girl!!

( …she’s actually been housed in a place no one has discovered inside the shed yet! )

Davorka also brought me one of my absolute favourite things for the blue section…

And although this last gift, ( a King Penguin on flowers from my county East Sussex, here in Brighton ) was given to me back in February by the lovely Cristina, @c_colli on Instagram, I’ve just been waiting for it to come into season!

So, I felt very grateful this week to Instagram and all the people I’ve met through it, not just for their presents, but for their genuine presence in my life…