
Tuesday…Garden Round Up

This last week has been so hot here in Brighton, that I’ve barely been out in the garden during the day. It’s South facing so everything gets scorched…even if there are thunder storms at night.
So this army of cans provides not only the garden with water but me with good weight lifting exercise!
I’m going to be away for a week from tomorrow and although there will be someone here to keep an eye on everything, I’m sure things will look different on my return…
So I wanted to do a bit of a garden round up before I leave to do a bit of a compare when I’m back…
I really hope these dahlias will survive the snails…
…and hopefully there’ll be lots more Japanese Anemones in flower too
The bronze fennel I rescued from a crack in the pavement last year is completely fantastic and hasn’t been attacked by greenfly like the other normal fennel…
…but this Cow Parsnip or Hogweed, which came from a seed head from the side of the road is amazing…
I’ve never grown this before, although when I was younger my mother and I nabbed some Giant Hogweed seed heads from the side of the road and she then grew one which was well over 6 ft high! 
It has a very strange smell which seems to constantly attract hover flies, bees and ordinary flies but a sneaky spider has cunningly made a thick web underneath the flowers in this one…
…I also found 2 strawberries this morning!
The Sedum may possibly flower while I’m away, but the flowers will last for ages…
I bought some stems from a florist last year and had them in the house all through October and November. I had kept them in water for such a long time that they’d rooted… so a complete bargain!
These are the Heuchera I re-potted a few weeks ago ( the ones I’d rescued from the tip ) which are recovering really well…
…and my favourite bud of the moment: Chocolate Cosmos

Also when I wrote the post about saving seed heads a couple of weeks ago I had also just scattered some Calendula seeds in this pot to see if they would grow and now I’ve got 3 seedlings ( they’re the ones with lighter green leaves…I don’t know what the other one is yet )

This nasturtium leaf which I’ve had in a jam jar of water for a few weeks has mysteriously rooted!
I really don’t understand how that can happen especially as it has been devastated by black fly, but I’ve potted it up, just to see what happens…

…and I’ll keep you posted of ‘looking about me’ while I’m away too!