
Thursday… Oriental Poppies

Today has turned into an Oriental Poppy Day…
I’ve been having a lot of snail problems with the poppies, so I often nurse the blackened stemmed victims indoors…
I loved these poppies as a child, and my mum always called them ‘Granny Poppies’, although I think she probably made that name up… 
They’ve been in this garden, apparently for ever, and this is my son about 11 years ago ( in hand made trousers, I’d like to point out.. ), in those heady days before there was a far less serious snail situation…
Yesterday all looked well, but there was a lot of rain in the night, and although this morning there was a cluster of annual lovliness…
There was also this…
Not wanting to waste their fleeting beauty, I introduced them to The Table…
…added some texture ( I’ve had that curved stone on the left, by the way, since I was 7…I dug it up in the garden of some elderly family friends, and was utterly convinced that it was the tip of a mammoth’s tusk…my brother was very into fossils at the time… )
and then found them their snail-free light…
( well…almost! )