A & E table with half eaten dahlia, recovering verbascum seedling, some mystery plant I’ve rooted which my mum gave me, a giant echium seedling and some lily of the valley bulging seed heads...

For the last few weeks I joined in the Colour Lovers project on Instagram for the first time, encouraged by Xanthe Berkely, so I thought I’d put together a selection of my colour tables and some of the other things ‘ordinary’ things that I’ve seen...

During the Summer I went to a wedding and although I had a new dress I didn’t have a hat or headpiece which went with it, so I decided to make my own. I’m a bit obsessed with propagating succulents at the moment as they...

When I was growing up, my parents gave me two very different takes on the world; Dad was annoyingly straight forward and very logical and Mum was much more likely to go with the flow and get distracted...

The flowers have started! The survivors of the winter and every year feel like old friends are coming back to stay...

It may seem like I’m forever pulling flowers apart and carelessly chucking bits and bobs around the table, but I’m actually a complete re-user if there is anything to be saved or salvaged for another arrangement...