I needed to revamp the ikebana today, but I have so much orange in the garden at the moment I just wanted to use some subtler colours...

I planted this cactus dahlia tuber last year and for the first time ever I managed to produce a flower. All other attempts have been continually sabotaged by snails...

There are masses of seed pods in the garden at the moment. I particularly like the Love in a Mist ones although the opium poppy heads are pretty lovely too. As I've never grown either of these before  it's a real treat to include them...

When the Nasturtiums start opening in the garden, for me it really marks the beginning of Summer and also the promise of Autumn...

I spent the weekend in Cornwall, as we were having a wonderful new bespoke bench delivered by friends; Ewan had made the bench (Holly basically makes most of the beautiful ceramics I own! ). I arrived back to a rather parched garden amidst an overturned row of...

Ever since I was really young I’ve had a fascination for grasses. I was always amazed that when just sitting in a park or playground I was surrounded by so many different species and when I was about 6 I asked for The Observers Book of...