I had quite a long weekend, as firstly I drove up to Sheffield which took me over 8 and a half hours from Brighton ( it was meant to take about 4 hours ). I went to talk to and plan with Anna Potter from...

The flowers have started! The survivors of the winter and every year feel like old friends are coming back to stay...

I always like to be inspired by what the garden has to offer, even if it doesn’t seem like there's much around, but at the moment I love how the snowdrops are poking through the dead montbretia leaves...

The garden is thinning, but there's still colour hidden amongst the sticks...

So basically I should be packing the car now, but I’ve got a bit of a pink thing going on at the moment...

This last week has been so hot here in Brighton, that I’ve barely been out in the garden during the day. It’s South facing so everything gets scorched...