

The pinks and purples are really arriving in the garden now, and this weekend brought the first Hollyhock as well as the first Buddleia.
I wanted to create something with the hollyhock, although it’s not easy as each flower has a tiny stem and I didn’t want to just discard it afterwards…
I grew these from seed about 3 years ago and find it so satisfying that they keep coming back …
I always cut the Buddleia back really hard each year which seems to bring them back stronger and larger, even though it’s a massive job keeping on top of it…
It’s amazing that one day there is maybe one looking like it’s about to bloom, to absolutely loads of them the next!
The Perennial Peas are winding their way into everything too…
the field scabious are just starting to appear amongst the day lilies…
and the Valerian as always just keeps on growing…
On a slightly different note, having spent a bit of time on the table with the pink and purple from the garden yesterday, I then discovered some other pink and purple…in my cupboards!!

(…the Medusa potato!! )